What is Oil Pulling?
The history of oil pulling dates back over 3000 years. Before modern medicine, elders in India developed Ayurveda, a form of mind-body health system. The basic tenet of Ayurveda is that when balanced, your body has amazing powers to heal itself. One of the practices of Ayurveda is oil pulling. Oil pulling is swishing and […]
Why You Should FLOSS Every Day!
Importance of Flossing We think this is a great read for everyone! CLICK on the article below to read more about why Dr. Ruoho thinks flossing is a MUST! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/06/22/importance-of-flossing.aspx
Do You Floss Like A Boss?
Flossing is one of the most difficult things to get people to do but it is one of the more effective ways at preventing disease. In 2013, The American Dental Association (ADA) reported that 52% of men and 45% of women between the ages of 35-44 were diagnosed with gingivitis (gum disease). Gum disease begins […]
Should Your Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?
Wisdom teeth (3rd molars) do not have to be removed unless you are at risk for future pain and problems. You may be at increased risk for pain, cavities, and gum problems due to the teeth being poorly positioned. In most cases, the dentists at Relaxation Dentistry begin to monitor wisdom teeth around age 16 […]